Our approach

Your employees are your source of income. Show them how valuable they are.

By combining approaches from personal development and management consulting, a factorized increase in value ist created, both for your company and for your employees. The sched.business concept imprints one idea in the minds of your employees: You care.

Corporate and personal goals are intervowen, realistically broken down and made achievable. To measure the success of the concept, no meaningless key figures are developed, but exisiting, fundamental company values are used, as well as individual employee interviews.

Personal development

Happiness and success can be planned. Personality development opens the gates to unimagined possibilities. With our approaches, we show everyone the way to exploit their full potential and make the impossible possible. To do this, we use techniques and strategies that have been proven to strengthen the psyche and generally make people happier.

An employer who teaches how to be happy.

What a statement.

Vision-oriented framework

For a company to grow, you have to give it time. And yet you have to be able to react flexibly and quickly to unforeseen challenges. With the big goal always in mind, we develop a plan based on your vision, which is broken down to the individual employee. Goal setting is done in close collaboration with you and refined by the people who know the processes behind it: Your people.

Key figure system

In order to find adjustment points more quickly and to improve nuances, we use a key figure system that makes use of existing values from your company. Of course, you have the full freedom to emphasize certain key figures in their importance.

Support & development

Due to the partial focus on the personality development of your employees, it is also important to include them in the evaluation process. Short interviews are conducted both before and after the implementation of sched.business, so that you, as an employer, have in black and white that your employees are satisfied with you.

ready to schedule your business?

Get in touch today and take the first step in transforming the way of working in your company!