Efficiency. Scalable and personal.

Taking your employees to the next level.

Innovative human resource management paves the way for you to unleash the full work potential of your employees in a healthy and supportive way.

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People work more intensively and emotionally on a project if they can identify with it. And what is a company but a big project? Identification is achieved through a process of independently working out corporate and personal goals.



Once commitment to the company is established, a natural satisfaction spreads as soon as goals are achieved together. Clear allocation of roles in the employee’s area of interest in anticipation of the goal.



A natural desire for new milestones is awakened via goal achievement and satisfaction. The way of working automatically focuses on the realization of these.

As an employee, do I only serve processes or do I create real value?

Our approach

Why us?


Getting employees is easy. And expensive. Retaining employees is hard. But cheaper. The competition never sleeps, and those who are aware of their value look around the job market for alternatives.

Unless you do something different than the others.

Science &

The techniques and management models introduced by sched.business have been tested, verified and confirmed many times.


We find fulfillment in helping others bring more order into their lives.

Our concept aims to create added value for everyone involved. A more relaxed baseline leads to less conflict in the company.

Efficiency. Scalable and personal.

Ready to schedule your business?

Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a first meeting.